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ÀÌ»ó¼·(Lee, Sang-Sup) ; ºÎÀ±¼·(Boo, Yoon-Seob) ; ½Å»ó¹Î(Shin, Sang-Min) |
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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ³í¹®Áý, Vol.39 No.8 (2023-08) |
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This study aims to examine how the performance of mechanical rebar splices is impacted by the ribs and length of hybrid sleeves, utilizing the finite element (FE) method. The cylindrical hybrid splice sleeve is crafted through machining, composed of SM45C material, featuring an inner diameter of 31.2 mm and a thickness of 4.3 mm. In the FE models, the rebar¡¯s steel grade is SD600 with a diameter of 22 mm (D22), while the grout¡¯s compressive strength is set at 100 MPa. To simulate the nonlinear behavior and fracture of the rebars, the analysis employs the true stress-strain relationship and ductile damage conditions. Moreover, contact interactions between the rebar, grout, and sleeve surfaces are modeled in Abaqus/Explicit using an exponential pressure-overclosure relationship and kinetic friction. The analysis parameters under scrutiny encompass the spacing and profile of the sleeve rib and the sleeve length. Results indicate that the sleeve rib spacing should not exceed twice the rebar rib spacing, and the sleeve length should be more than 6.0d to induce rebar fracture as the failure mode. When considering the profile of the sleeve rib, the ability to resist slippage between the sleeve and grout is most effective in the sequence of semicircular, trapezoidal, and rectangular shapes. |