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¾î¸°ÀÌ ÀçÈ°º´¿ø °ø°£±¸Á¶ÀÇ ½ÃÁö°¢Àû Ư¼º ¿¬±¸ / A Study on the Visual Cognitive Characteristics of the Spatial Configuration in Children's Rehabilitation Hospitals - Focused on the Pediatric Rehabilitation Outpatient and Therapy Areas - / ¼Ò¾ÆÀçÈ° ¿Ü·¡Áø·áºÎ ¹× ÀçÈ°Ä¡·áºÎ ¿µ¿ªÀ» Áß½ÉÀ¸·Î |
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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ³í¹®Áý °èȹ°è, Vol.34 No.10 (2018-10) |
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¼Ò¾ÆÀçÈ° ; °ø°£±¸Á¶ ; ½ÃÁö°¢Àû Ư¼º ; °ø°£±¸¹®·Ð ; Pediatric Rehabilitation ; Spatial Configuration ; Visual Cognitive Characteristics ; Space Syntax |
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In many theoretical and empirical studies on the design issues of therapeutic healthcare facilities, spatial configuration that promotes users' wayfinding behavior, has been emphasized as a significant factor to mitigate stressful experiences and to enhance restorative quality in the healthcare environment. This is also applicable to the healthcare setting for children. However, not much evidence has been reported with regard to the relationship between spatial configuration and wayfinding behaviors in this specific setting. Moreover, healthcare facilities for children with physical disabilities need more attention to provide easy wayfinding due to various physical restrictions. The aim of this study is therefore, to unfold the relationship between spatial configuration and visual cognitive qualities of outpatient spaces in the selected children's rehabilitation hospitals in Seoul, by examining visual cognitive attributes such as visibility, accessibility, and intelligibility. In the first phase, the spatial layout of the hospitals was analyzed, with an emphasis on the major outpatient areas such as the entrance lobby, doctors' examination, and physical therapy zones. In the second phase, a space syntax tool was implemented to examine visual cognitive characteristics of the spatial configuration. The spatial configuration parameters measured were integration, integration core, visual isovist field continuity, correlation between integration and step depth, and the correlation between integration n and integration 3. As a result, the integration was higher in the hall type configuration. Circulation intersections acted mostly as integration cores for better visibility. Some areas showed the lack of continuity in the visual isovist fields overlap and irregular correlation between integration and step depth. The intelligibility was higher in the circulation area and social interaction spaces such as a cafe, reception waiting, and therapy waiting areas. Based on the analysis, design implication and possible future improvement were discussed to enhance wayfinding experiences in the hospitals for children with physical disabilities. |