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¾Èµµ ´Ù´Ù¿À Àü½Ã°ø°£ÀÇ ±¸¼º¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ / A Study on the Composition of Ando Tadao's Exhibition Space |
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Çѱ¹½Ç³»µðÀÚÀÎÇÐȸ ³í¹®Áý, Vol.27 No.2(Åë±Ç 127È£) (2018-04) |
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¾Èµµ ´Ù´Ù¿À ; Àü½Ã°ø°£ ; Àü½Ã ; °ø°£±¸¼º ; Ando Tadao ; Exhibition space ; Exhibition ; Space Configuration |
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The exhibition space is a concept that is used to extract only the function of exhibition in an art museum combined with various cultural facilities. It mediates works, audience, and space. Therefore, it is considered that the exhibition space will not only judge the space by the form of the building, but also the true meaning will appear when the exhibition, the space and the environment coexist. His exhibition space has a story from the outside to the inside and the exhibition. In this study, we try to understand the characteristics of his space by analyzing the way of organizing exhibition and exhibition in his exhibition space. As a result of analyzing the cases suggested on this thesis through this point of view, Ando Tadao represented characteristics of his own exhibition space by harmonizing the demand of each exhibition space with his architecture language. His exhibition space provides the experiential space in the harmony of the nature and artificiality as inpouring the nature into the complex traffic line. And, the exhibition is constituted as a result of fully considering the overall situation of the space environment. He tries uniting the space and art by interpreting the work in the space rather than arranging the works. Consequently, It gives visitors the direct space experience through the intentional traffic line and is becoming an exhibition space that can express the exhibition only in that space as constituting it differently in accordance with the character of work. |