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ÇÇÅÍ ÁÜÅÍ °ÇÃàÀÇ ¹ÌÀå¼¾ÀûÀÎ °ø°£Æ¯¼º / Spatial characteristics of the Mise en scene in Peter Zumthor's Architecture |
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Çѱ¹½Ç³»µðÀÚÀÎÇÐȸ ³í¹®Áý, Vol.25 No.3(Åë±Ç 116È£) (2016-06) |
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ÇÇÅÍ ÁÜÅÍ ; ¹ÌÀå¼¾ ; ºÐÀ§±â ; »óÈ£ÅؽºÆ® ; °ø°¨°¢ ; Peter Zumthor ; Mise en scene ; Atmospheres ; Intertextuality ; Synesthesia |
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the mise-en-scene characteristics to direct an emotional atmosphere. It also analyzed whether these characteristics are reflected in how the work of Peter Zumthor. First, a theoretical consideration base on the distinction between montage and mise-en-scene, the research on space directing techniques in film. In particular, research on the mise-en-scene around the technique of deep focus, long-take, charade. It also examines the mise-en-scene tendencies that appear in the painting art, philosophy and psychology to deepen understanding. It should understand the mechanism by going to complete the meaning. Based on this, in terms of mise-en-scene to analyze the space directing of Peter Zumthor. And the features of mise-en-scene has its significance in having a look at whether there is any correlation in the 'Atmospheres' directing of Zumthor. As a result, the mise-en-scene is active, multi-layered, ambiguous, uncertain, becoming and enables an open interpretation in terms of audience. |