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Çѱ¹ÁÖ°ÅÇÐȸ³í¹®Áý, Vol.26 No.6 (2015-12) |
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Àå¼ö¸íÁÖÅà ; ³»±¸¼º ; °¡º¯¼º ; ¼ö¸®¿ëÀ̼º ; °¡º¯¿ä¼Ò ; Long-Life Housing ; Durability ; Variability ; Repair Convenience ; Infill |
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The domestic housing paradigm has changed from quantitative growth to qualitative growth, and demands for pleasant living environment and meeting basic living conditions have increased due to increased living standards of the people. In a related move, the Ministry of land, Infrastructure and Transport introduced "long-life housing construction standards" in the Article 21 paragraph 6 of the Housing Act through a revision of the Housing Act in December 2014, devised detailed criteria and enforced the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, titled "long-life housing construction certification standards" which require long-life housing certification in construction of apartment houses that accommodate more than 1,000 households. In this regard, A survey of consumers was conducted to collect opinions about consumers' perception and requirements regarding long-life housing, and thus to promote long-life housing and improve certification system criteria. The general public who wish to purchase housing were selected as the subjects for the present study, and the survey was conducted at the site of apartment house PR hall in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do as of January 2015. The result of this study is an opinion survey of long-life housing consumers. For future work, additional research is needed to establish legal standards and devise support systems, along with technology development for long-life housing. |