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³ëÀοä¾ç°øµ¿»ýÈ°°¡Á¤ÀÇ »ýȰȯ°æ ½ÇÅºм® / An Analysis on the Living Environment of the Group-homes for the Elderly with Dementia in Gyeonggi Province |
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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ³í¹®Áý °èȹ°è, v.30 n.6 (2014-06) |
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³ëÀοä¾ç°øµ¿»ýÈ°°¡Á¤ ; °ÇÃàƯ¼º ; »ýȰȯ°æ ; °è¼Ó°ÅÁÖ ; Group-homes for the Elderly with Dementia ; Architectural Characteristics ; Living Environment ; Aging-in-place |
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The main purpose of this study is to examine the situations of the group-homes for the elderly with dementia and clarify the problems of them. This study investigate the actual conditions of the living environment of the group-homes for the elderly with dementia. 11 group-homes were surveyed in Sungnam, Goyang and Paju cities, Gyeonggi province. Data were collected through various ways including interview with facility operators, plan collection, and photo-takings. The results of this study are as follows; 1) With the introduction of long term care insurance in 2008, the increase of the demand and supply to group-home will be expected, due to less cost for recuperation. The care for the elderly in homelike atmosphere is effective to the elderly with dementia. 2) 3~4 persons per room is common in Korea. But the area for 3~4 persons per room is not proper to support the elderly's behavior. The adjustment of the area of each space is demanded. 3) The present living environments of group-homes for the elderly with dementia leave much room for improvement, considering the physical condition of the elderly. |