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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸÁöȸ¿¬ÇÕȸ ³í¹®Áý, v.13 n.04 (Åë±Ç48È£) (2011-12) |
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ÁÖÅÃÁ¤Ã¥ ; ¾ÆÆÄÆ® ; Áö¼Ó°¡´É¼º ; ÁÖÅü±È£µµ ; °æ³² ; Housing Policy ; Apartment Housing ; Sustainability ; Housing Preference ; Gyungnam |
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Housing policy in Korea has been focusing on quantity supply of housing until now. Housing policy like this may result in serious monopolization of apartment housing type, and occupied ratio of it is exceeded 54% of total housing quantity in 2010. Especially, occupied ratio of highrise apartment housing(15 floor above) was 61.9% of total apartment housing quantity in 2007. It is estimated to be caused serious problems in aspect of sustainable urban management against population decrease. Highrise building is difficult to remove or recycle, and this means that possibility of slumism and deterioration of it is high. This study aims to analyse alternatives of housing policy focused on housing supply related to housing type in Gyungnam. As a result of this study, existing apartment housing quantity is estimated to be already exceeded to expected demand quantity of it in 2030. Therefore, Housing policy direction in Gyungnam has to change over from apartment housing oriented policy to environmental friendly low density housing policy like townhouse, block type private housing, etc. |