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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ³í¹®Áý °èȹ°è, v.27 n.2 (2011-02) |
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ģȯ°æ°ÇÃ๰ÀÎÁõ±âÁØ ; ¿¡³ÊÁö ; ¾÷¹«½Ã¼³ ; Green Building Certification Criteria ; Energy ; Office |
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The Green Building Certification Criteria (GBCC) which is used to evaluate the energy and environmental performance of buildings was revised and enforced on July 1, 2010. Concerns about the Green Building Certification System (GBCS) are sharply increasing due to the 'Low Carbon and Green Growth' declared by President Myung Bak Lee, and especially because all public buildings equal to or larger than 10,000§³ are obligated to obtain the Certification. The objective of this study is to check the reliability of weighting factors and scoring difficulties in all assessment items of the new version of GBCC on the basis of the case study results by the new GBCC even though more researches are needed. In this paper, the old and new versions of GBCC were reviewed and the difficulties in obtaining the certification by the new version were analyzed through case studies. The results showed that the subject buildings obtained lower scores in almost all assesment items because of the upgraded criteria and weighting factors. |