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â¿ø½Ã 3°³ ÅëÇÕ Áö¿ª ³» ´Üµ¶ÁÖÅÃÁö ºñ±³ºÐ¼® ¿¬±¸ / The comparative analysis study that is a detached dwelling in a region integrated three Changwon-si / °è06. Á¦04ºÐ°ú µµ½Ã ¹× ´ÜÁö°èȹ |
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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ Çмú¹ßÇ¥´ëȸ ³í¹®Áý (2010-10) |
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ÅëÇÕâ¿ø½Ã ; ´Üµ¶ÁÖÅà ; ºñ±³ºÐ¼® ; Changgwon ; House ; Comparative Analysis |
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Chang-Won, Masan, Jinhae is partly the results are general enemies during everyones, and data used to the present situations and the type that are a local detached dwelling and analysis cannot do it in this study. I have a redevelopment compares about the present situations that there is of a detached dwelling of possible Masan-si and Jinhae-si, and to do analysis whether or not Changwon-si is with a detached dwelling as a scheme drawing city. You shall grasp an influence by this and future factors to be mad whether or not there is to a cow and a detached dwelling while becoming a too integrated cigar. I look into an example of comparative analyses of a correct residential quarter and other integrated city, and a researcher regarding this is necessary. |