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¿¡³ÊÁö Æò°¡ ÇÁ·Î±×·¥À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ °øµ¿ÁÖÅà ºÎ´ë½Ã¼³ ¼³°è»ç·Ê / Community center by using energy simulation tool(e-QUEST) / 2-E ¼³°è/½Ã°ø»ç·Ê |
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´ëÇѼ³ºñ°øÇÐȸ ÇÏ°èÇмú¹ßǥȸ ³í¹®Áý (2010-06) |
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energy consumption(¿¡³ÊÁö ¼Òºñ) ; eQUEST(¿¡³ÊÁöÆò°¡ÇÁ·Î±×·¥) ; monthly load(¿ùº° ºÎÇÏ) ; heating(³¹æ) ; cooling(³Ã¹æ) |
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Energy consumption of building is very hot topic recently. It becomes more and more important to look for efficient ways of energy consumptoion. It is selected a community center to low energy design. The project uses eQuest, a simulation software tool, for evaluating building energy. First it is evaluated the design to comply with the code, Second the usual design as ALT-1. They are compared the monthly load components and studied what's components affected. Accordingly, the performance of insulation and window system is improvement and photovolatic power generation systems are installed. That is the low energy design as ALT-2. Heating energy consumption is reduced 57%, Cooling energy consumption is reudced 24% through the case study as ALT-2. |