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ÇÇÅÍ ÁíÅÍÀÇ ½æ ¹ßÁî¿¡ ³ªÅ¸³ °¨¼º µðÀÚÀÎ Á¢±Ù¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ / A Study on the Emotional design approach in the Therme Vals designed by Peter Zumthor |
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Çѱ¹½Ç³»µðÀÚÀÎÇÐȸ ³í¹®Áý, v.19 n.3(Åë±Ç 80È£) (2010-06) |
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ÇÇÅÍ ÁÜÅÍ ; ½æ¹ßÁî ; °¨¼ºµðÀÚÀÎ ; Peter Zumthor ; Therme Vals ; Emotional Design |
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The Therme Vals is a hotel and spa which combines a complete sensory experience designed by Peter Zumthor. This study aims to find emotional design approaches of the Therme Vals through references, observation from site visit, interview and discussion related to this topic. This space was designed for visitors to luxuriate and rediscover the ancient benefits of bathing. The combinations of light and shade, open and enclosed spaces and linear elements make for a highly sensuous and restorative experience. The study observed the emotional design characteristics of the Therme Vals through space approach, aesthetic and experiential sides. For space approach side, emotional experience in gradual process to approach the space was mentioned, for aesthetic side, mystical combination of light, stone and water was observed, for experiential side, 5 senses experience and space programing for adjusting the density of the space were observed. This study found that the spa has the quality of spiritual, soul-touching delight like religious experience. The fascination for the mystic qualities of a world of stone within the mountain, for darkness and light, for light reflections on the water or in the steam saturated air, pleasure in the unique acoustics of the bubbling water in a world of stone, the ritual of bathing?all these notions were explained in Peter Zumthor's construction details. In the result of the interview and discussion, people love the space and praised it highly for the emotional design regardless of space experience, age, sex or ethnicity. Emotional design approaches based on human nature, materiality, and memory of the places is more powerful than other emotional design ideas with technical devices, special themes, digital effects, vivid colors and shapes. |