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ÀÔü¡¤º¹ÇÕ °ÇÃ๰ ¸Å°³°ø°£ÀÇ Á¢±Ù¼º ½ÇÅºм®¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ / A Study on the Analysis of Accessibility in the Intermediary Space of Mixed-Use Complex - Focused on I' Park Mall in Yong San - / ¿ë»ê ¾ÆÀÌÆÄÅ© ¸ô(I'Park Mall)À» Áß½ÉÀ¸·Î |
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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ³í¹®Áý °èȹ°è, v.25 n.12 (2009-12) |
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ÀÔü/º¹ÇÕ °ÇÃ๰ ; ¸Å°³°ø°£ ; Á¢±Ù¼º ; Mixed-Use Development ; Intermediary Space ; Accessibility |
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the accessible situation of the intermediary space of the I' Park Mall which is a representative example magazine of the Mixed-use building. The study of methods are questionnaire survey, interview survey and present situation investigation in each intermediary space on July 19, 2008. For that purpose, It seems to be the result next which extracted a certain mediation space in I' Park Mall through mediation space type.; The space that connecting a city and a Mixed-use building, The space connecting traffic and Mixed-use building, space connecting connects a Mixed-use building with a Mixed-use building. The result of the analysis were as follow;1) Approach of the intermediary satisfaction was high when it ranked so that traffic approached the mediation space. In other words, Approach characteristics satisfaction was high most and appeared in the intermediary space that connected traffic in mediation space type. 2) Approach of the intermediary space-related satisfaction was high and appeared at time when a traffic doorway was near to the intermediary space, and a line of flow was short. 3) As a result of having got it through approach-related satisfaction analysis, it must improve institution and the spatial side that did detail such as the guidance indication board by mediation space according to the type. |