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ÀÔüµµ½Ã°ø¿ø °³¹ßÀ» À§ÇÑ ½Ã»çÁ¡ µµÃâ / A Suggestion for Multi-Dimensional City Park Development |
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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ³í¹®Áý °èȹ°è, v.25 n.12 (2009-12) |
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µµ½Ã°ø¿ø ; ÀÔüµµ½Ã°èȹ ; ÀÔüµµ½Ã°ø¿ø ; ¾î¸Þ´ÏƼ ; City Park ; Multi-Dimensional Land Use Planning ; Multi-Dimensional City Park ; Amenity |
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As a city gets denser and evolves into a higher stage, claims for expansion on more infrastructures are made, but there are difficulties building infrastructure within the limited land. Especially, parks in a relatively lower importance compared to other infrastructures, construction rate are in very low figures. Additionally, park ratio in domestic urban area is lower than other international cities, resulting in high park facility expansion demand in the urban area. Because of this reason, various methods of studying Multi-dimensional city parks are necessary, and physical form, project development process, support by the legislative system etc is needed to vitalize the installment of Multi-dimensional city parks. This paper drew out implications by analyzing Multi-dimensional city's current conditions, studied cases on Multi-dimensional city parks, and discussed how to apply this into Korea¡¯s situation. |