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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ³í¹®Áý ±¸Á¶°è, v.25 n.11 (2009-11) |
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Ç°Áú°ü¸® ; Ç°Áú±âÁØ ÀÎÁöµµ ; °ñÁ¶°ø»ç ; ÀÛ¾÷ÀÚ ; Quality Control ; Quality Standards Recognition ; Structural Frame ; Worker |
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Importance of quality control is gradually increasing in the construction project. Also, the structural frame work is very important things which influence in safety and durability of the building. Quality control of construction phase is still performed by attitude and experience of workers. But, there is no study for quality standards recognition of the structural frame workers. This study is to analyze quality standards recognition of structural frame workers and to propose the improvement plan. The outcome of this study can be summarized as follows. First, quality standards recognition of structural frame workers is very low. Second, low quality standards recognition of workers directly affects the quality of the building. The improvement of quality standards recognition of workers is to provide worker with the quality education program and the handbook for quality standards and to institutionalize the quality education. |