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´ëÇÑ°ÇÃàÇÐȸ³í¹®Áý °èȹ°è, v.25 n.04 (2009-04) |
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¼ºñ½º½ÃÀå °³¹æ ; Áö¿ª ; °ÇÃà»ç»ç¹«¼Ò ; ¿ªÇÒ ; ±â´É ; Opening of Service Market ; Local ; Architectural Offices ; Roles ; Functions |
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The pressure put by WTO and FTA on opening architectural markets produced bad things for national architectural offices, which in turn caused changes in their operations. It is said that while the larger offices located in the metropolitans have the organizational, financial, and technical abilities to cope with the waves of the opening, the smaller ones located in the local area have not such abilities. That is because even though local offices have merits to well know the aspects of identity, geography, locality, and culture of the areas, relatively more inferior abilities in size, organization, operation, and technology than those of metropolitan offices make them left behind them. This study, therefore, investigated the changes in the type of local architectural offices and the amount of orders they received every year since the opening of service market, to analyse major roles and functions they could play in the local areas. |