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±³À°½Ã¼³(Çѱ¹±³À°½Ã¼³ÇÐȸÁö) , v.19 n.4(2012-07) |
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¹ÌÈ°¿ë Çб³ºÎÁö ; µµ½Ã ºÎÁö È°¿ë ; µµ½Ã ¼Ò±Ô¸ðÇб³ ; Áö¿ªÁֹΠ¼³¹®Á¶»ç ; °³¹ß°¡Ä¡ ; Disused School Site ; Urban Land Utilizations ; Urban Small Schools ; Questionnaire of Local Residents ; Development Values |
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In recent years, the change of urban function and the decrease in birth rate have given rise to merge, abolition and relocation of the existing schools. This study explores the possibilities for various land utilizations of disused school sites, using the trial case of ¡®M¡¯ elementary school at Bu-pyung Gu in Incheon Metropolitan City. ¡®M¡¯ elementary school has recently happened to need no more land to build another school because of decreasing the number of students. Firstly, it studies the land reuse theories in city, the development methodologies of disused sites and the legalistic and political authority and limits. It analyzes the urban spacial values and roles, such as the educational roles, spacial functions and development values of the land. In addition, this study make a questionnaire of local residents to converge the public opinions on the utilization of disused school site. Finally, it proposes the principal direction for the effective appropriation and an alternative for exploitation of school site targeting disused school site of ¡®M¡¯ elementary school. |