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±³À°½Ã¼³(Çѱ¹±³À°½Ã¼³ÇÐȸÁö) , v.18 n.4(2011-07) |
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CPTED ; ¹üÁË¿¹¹æ ; Çб³½Ã¼³ ; ÇöÀåÁ¶»ç ; CPTED ; Crime Prevention ; School Facilities ; Field Survey |
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The purpose of this study is to suggest the application method of CPTED for safer schools. For the evaluation of the school safety, we invented the school survey checklist based on the principles of CPTED such as natural surveillance, access control, maintenance, and activity support. The checklist is consisted of three parts of schools including boundary, outside of the building, and inside of the building. For the field survey of schools, the 30 schools(elementary, middle, and high school) were selected in Seoul and Kyong-gi area as the crime rate. The result of this study shows the safety score for the most of schools were not satisfied. In addition, we realized the diverse strategies to enhance the school safety should be applied to schools in terms of CPTED. The detailed findings and policy implications will be discussed in the context. |