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±³À°½Ã¼³(Çѱ¹±³À°½Ã¼³ÇÐȸÁö) , v.18 n.2(2011-03) |
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LED Á¶¸í ½Ã½ºÅÛ ; °´°üÀû Æò°¡ ; »ö ¿Âµµ ; ÇнÀ ¼º°ú ; LED illumination system ; objective evaluation ; color temperature ; learning performance |
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This study performs the objective evaluation on simple comparison and calculation works by students under LED illumination conditions according to three types of color temperatures (7000K, 5000K, 3000K) in the classroom, Since the objective of this study is to develop an electric lighting conditions suitable for students in the classroom, the learning performance under three types of LED illumination conditions were analyzed. The 4 kinds of simple tests concerning with learning performance were developed and test results under natural light and LED illumination by 3 types of color temperatures were analyzed. There were differences by t-test in most cases among simple experiment results of different illumination conditions (p ¡Â .05). It was confirmed that illumination condition plays an important role when students simply compare words or perform arithmetic calculations. The experimental results of this study might be applied to designing better luminous environment. |