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Çѱ¹ÀǷẹÁö½Ã¼³ÇÐȸÁö , v.14 n.2(Åë±Ç 31È£)(2008-05) |
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ÀÀ±ÞÀÇ·á½Ã¼³ ; °ø°£±¸¼º¿ä¼Ò ; °ø°£Æ¯¼º ; Emergency medical facilities ; Spatial organization feature ; Spatial character |
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The purpose of this study was to spatial organization feature and area composition of the over 500beds general hospital that will be expected construct in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do area after 2000year. From this study, we can suggest architectural planning for the efficiency operating of emergency medical facilities that can be used as preliminary data. The Spatial organization of emergency medical facilities are categorize into 4 session as medical examination and treatment, diagonosticradiology, staff, public and the others. We can find spatial organization system and area composition that compare area composition of 6 hospital the subject of research in a emergency medical facilities. The result of this study were as follows : spatial distribution of its field, grasping of spatial organization factor and recognize its merits and demerits should be researched in advance. Through this kind of recognizing emergency system, realistic medical local and condition architectural planning for spatial organization will be operate. |