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±³À°½Ã¼³(Çѱ¹±³À°½Ã¼³ÇÐȸÁö) , v.15 n.2(2008-03) |
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ºûȯ°æ ; Â÷¾ç ÀåÄ¡ ; ·ç¹ö ; ¿ÜºÎ º£³×½Ã¾È ºí¶óÀεå ; ±¤¼±¹Ý ; Daylighting Environment ; Shading Devices ; Louver ; Exterior Venetian Blind ; Light Shelves |
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of daylighting environment in classroom of an school building due to the external shading devices such as fixed louvers, light shelves and exterior venetian blinds. In this study, we have made a field research with regard to the facade design in classroom of an school building. And we have made a classification of external shading devices considering the design parameters. Finally, through RADIANCE simulation, we have calculated the spatial distribution of illuminance, uniformity ratio of illuminance and daylight factors. The results of this study will provide the building designer with the basic daylighting performance data at early design stages. |